Casting Finding a Pulse

1 min read

As I go further and further along with Finding a Pulse, this new novel I’m working on, I find myself visualizing the cast. I thought it might be a fun FYI to introduce you all to the characters and put up the cast I picture here on the blog, for later when it comes out.

This is Sonnet Mendoza, the main character. She’s a nurse, aspiring to be a surgeon. I chose Vanessa Hudgens because she fits the bill exactly as I see Sonnet in my mind.

Sonnet Mendoza

This is Griffith Parker, her love interest. He’s a veteran who’s working graves as a hospital security officer, and going through the Police Academy during the days. I chose Liam Hemsworth, because – uh, he’s a Hemsworth! πŸ˜‰

EXCLUSIVE TO INF. ALL-ROUNDER. July 23, 2012: Liam Hemsworth in Philadelphia filming 'Paranoid'. While on location for the shoot, his fiancee is, Miley Cyrus (not pictured), is joining him. Mandatory Credit: Chris Watts/  Ref.: infuspa-10|sp|EXCLUSIVE TO INF. ALL-ROUNDER.
July 23, 2012: Liam Hemsworth in Philadelphia filming ‘Paranoid’. While on location for the shoot, his fiancee is, Miley Cyrus (not pictured), is joining him.
Mandatory Credit: Chris Watts/ Ref.: infuspa-10|sp|EXCLUSIVE TO INF. ALL-ROUNDER.

This is Enrique. He’s a phlebotomist at the hospital where Sonnet works. He’s her gay BFF (and is in a relationship with another man), and often doles out advice on all matters concerning the heart. I chose Spanish actor Ferran Calderon.


This is Avani Singh, the head nurse in Sonnet’s ER department. She’s a bit of a sage with sass. I chose Iranian-born actress Shohreh Aghdashloo, because I love her throaty voice, and all of her work.


Avani Singh

This is Dr. MacIntyre, a bit of a crusty old genius who is Chief of Medicine, who’s a bit ill-tempered but in a friendly sort of way. I chose Harrison Ford, because, enough said.

Dr. MacIntyre

3 thoughts on “Casting Finding a Pulse”

  1. Very good looking cast πŸ˜‰ And looks like a nice spread of personalities too. Who doesn’t like crusty old geniuses? lol.

    1. Thanks, Amber! I had to put FAP on hold as I finish up this summer trope novella I’ll be submitting soon. But I dearly love it, almost as much as At the Heart of the Stone! It’s been an absolute joy to write, and I love a diverse cast of characters. Ha ha, yep, crusty old geniuses are the best! πŸ™‚

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